Japan Warns its Citizens to Not Die When Playing Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go finally launched in Japan today, instantly becoming the top-grossing app in the country as a result. But while players are busy spending their real-world cash on purchasing lures, incense and lucky eggs, the Japanese government’s National Center of Incident Readiness and Strategy for Cybersecurity (NISC) is trying to warn them to stay safe while hunting Pokemon.

The NISC released a poster detailing nine “safety tips” for the game, which include the typical “don’t download fake apps” and “protect your personal information,” alongside the more unusual “don’t get shot” and “don’t play Pokemon Go in the middle of a tsunami.”

Check out the poster below:

The NISC poster warns Japanese citizens against the following potential dangers of Pokemon Go:

  1. Theft of personal information. The poster tells players to protect their personal information by not taking photographs using the app near their home, and that accounts should feature a nickname rather than the player’s real name.
  2. Fake apps. An issue that has already been brought to the attention of the general public by developers Niantic, the NISC tells Pokemon Go players to ensure that they are downloading the real Pokemon Go app, rather than a fake version of the game that could lead to viruses being placed on their mobile device.
  3. Don’t play in dangerous weather conditions. The NISC suggests that players should check their local weather reports to ensure they won’t be playing the game in dangerous conditions. The poster shows a cartoon of two people running away from a tsunami.
  4. Take a break from the sun. Players are advised to not spend too much time in the sun playing the game, and to take regular breaks.
  5. Carry batteries and a charger. Pokemon Go notoriously eats away at your battery life, so the NISC informs players that they should carry a spare or a charger in case of an emergency.
  6. Carry a phone card. To ensure that you’re not left stranded if your phone does run out of battery, the poster tells players to remember to pack a phone card in order to use public pay phones.
  7. Be wary of where you’re going. The NISC warns players to not go anywhere dangerous on their search for Pokemon, with the illustration hammering home this point featuring a man carrying a gun. 
  8. Don’t meet with other players. The poster warns players against meeting up with other players, asking them to remain suspicious of those who suggest to do so. They will probably have a hard time convincing many to do this after the game’s trading feature is debuted.
  9. Don’t play while walking. Rather than walk around glued to your smartphone while you’re playing Pokemon Go, the NISC tell players that they should instead look up every once in a while. 

Hopefully the Japanese government’s instructions will cause people to be more vigilant when exploring the country on the hunt for Pokemon, but considering the major impact the game has already had on the region, they’re more than likely too busy playing Pokemon Go to actually spare the time to read the poster. At least you tried, Japan.

[Via Washington Post]

Image Credit: TORU YAMANAKA / Getty Images
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