Former Wisconsin Medical Examiner Took Corpse Bones Home to Her Dog

Here’s a story that will make cremation seem like a pretty solid end game.

A 46-year-old ex-medical examiner in Wisconsin has pleaded guilty to two felony counts of misconduct in public office after taking part of a dead man’s spine home to her dog. Upon searching her home, police also found brain and liver tissue along with a piece of bone in a bag in her garage.

According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Traci England told her coworkers she planned on using the bone to train her cadaver dog and remarked how lucky she was to get that particular section of spine because it was so hard to come by.

Yeah, because it belonged to a human.

We think England probably would have gotten away with it if she wouldn’t have broken the first rule of “Taking Human Bones Home to Your Dog” Club, and of course that rule is: You don’t talk about “Taking Human Bones Home to Your Dog” Club.

(via Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)

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