The 40 Greatest Wrestler Intros of All Time, Part 2

Click here for The 40 Greatest Wrestler Intros of All Time, Part 1

20. Ric Flair

The best part of his theme was how classy it felt. A rock song would’ve felt ridiculous with his feather-trimmed robe and luscious blonde hair. The beauty was in its simplicity.

19. Macho Man

As soon as his song would start, you knew you were in for something spectacular. Again, he could’ve gone with a rock song similar to Ultimate Warrior, but this one just felt triumphant.

18. Rob Van Dam

Even now it’s hard to hear this song and not start chanting, “RVD” while he struts to the ring.

17. Bret Hart

How is this not the Canadian national anthem?

16. Legion of Doom

I feel like if I was on a tag team wrestling against the Legion of Doom, as soon as I heard, “WHAT A RUSH!” it would be hard for me not to start cheering along with the crowd.

15. Edge

If you’ve forgotten how great Edge’s theme music was, give it another listen. It’s seriously criminally underrated.

14. Val Venis

No one will ever be able to convince me that he didn’t have one of the most perfect themes (and video) in the history of wrestling.

13. Goldust

It felts like the entire arena transformed when Goldust would walk out to the ring. It was ominous and strangely sexual. It summed up everything that is Goldust.

12. Million Dollar Man

No one has a better laugh than Ted Dibiase so when you combine that with the simplicity of singers chanting “money” over and over is nothing short of classic.

11. The Undertaker

Nothing gave children in the early ’90s more nightmares than Paul Bearer and The Undertaker walking out to that terrifying music while carrying an urn.

10. The Brood

Seriously listen to this song again. It feels like if the movie “Blade” made a top 40 song, but in the best way possible. Too bad Gangrel wasn’t as awesome as his theme music.

9. The Rock

There was only one other wrestler that had a theme song that would immediately bring fans to their feet faster than The Rock and he’s still to come on the list. It didn’t even matter what played after the first two seconds because you couldn’t hear it over the cheers anyway.

8. Triple H

When you’ve been around as long as Triple H you’d better have a great theme song. He not only has a good one, he has one of the best.

7. Hulk Hogan (WCW)

It wasn’t quite as great as his original WWF theme music, but everything about it felt right. It summed up the hero that was Hulk Hogan and felt like a seamless transition from one organization to another.

6. Stone Cold Steve Austin

This was the one mentioned on The Rock’s theme. That glass breaking was the most exciting sound you could possibly hear on a “Monday Night Raw.”

5. New Age Outlaws

No one cared about Billy Gunn and Jesse James’ wrestling abilities because when you have a theme like this combined with the greatest introduction of all time nothing else really matters.

4. Chris Jericho

Jericho’s theme was so good that it didn’t even seem like an intro song, but instead just a normal song that you’d listen to outside of an arena. That may sound like an insult, but it’s a huge compliment.

3. nWo

The nWo was the coolest thing that ever happened in wrestling so, of course, it needed one of the most memorable themes if it was going to represent so many superstars.

2. Degeneration X

When alternative rock was ruling the radio, DX came out with the ultimate anti-authority theme music. To this day, their theme song is still one of the best the WWE has ever produced.

1. Hulk Hogan (WWF)

It’s the defining wrestling theme of all time and may have single-handedly brought America together in the 80s. Go put it on your iPod immediately.

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