Now that the dust’s finally starting to settle in the Black Rock Desert of Northern Nevada (though we’re pretty sure most of it came home with us – despite the torrential rain), we can take stock of the incredible art installations that came to be at this year’s “Caravansary”-themed Burning Man.

“Embrace” by day and, below, by night. This is a self-described “testament to the moment, a cathedral dedicated to the beauty of immediacy. This is a sculpture made to honor all of the relationships in our lives, a pilgrimage through our bodies and our minds.”

With a 5 mph speed limit across the playa, the only traffic you’ll encounter is of the two-wheeled variety (unless you get stuck behind a parade of mutant vehicles).

Building a pyre beneath ‘the Man’ in preparation for his ritual burning.

And the desert temperature rises …

Now we get into art with a message clear enough to comprehend from miles away:

And then back to some structural wonder.

But really, BM is all about the wonderfully wacky people who attend. Here’s a human jungle gym of some of our favorites.