The Absolute Most Revolting Thing You Will See Today

The following photo comes with a warning. If you don’t feel like dry heaving today-or even wet heaving, for that matter-you might want to stop scrolling. We’ll give you a few chances not to look, so eventually it’s up to you if you want to do it anyway.

First, let us tell you what it is and then you can decide if you still want to take a peek.

At the end of last week, a user on Twitter who happened to be riding the subway in Manhattan-as New York City residents are known to do-spotted a condom wrapped around one of the subway poles. You know, the poles you wrap your hand around to keep from falling while the train is in motion? But wait, it gets worse. The condoms appears to have been used and still … has … fluid … in … it.

I’m gonna go vomit while you make your final choice about whether to scroll down or not. I’ll see some of you on the other side.

(Photo credit: Twitter user @meandtherhythm)

OK, are we all accounted for? Now that none of us ever want to eat again, let’s discuss this a little further.

There is a very good chance that this is just a hoax and the condom was filled with something like lotion to gross people out. But if you believe that, then you’ve never been on a subway before. Subways are filthy cesspools comprised of germs and the weirdest people on the planet. According to Gothamist, the man who took this photo, and other passenger accounts, the condom has been there with people accidentally touching it or just barely missing coming into contact with it since September. SEPTEMBER! It’s mid-October and it has yet to be removed!

Apparently, the reason New York is the city that never sleeps is because people are having nightmares about their morning commute with used, semen-filled subway condoms.

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