Everyone has that friend with an attractive family member who all the guys make fun of, and if that guy wasn’t you, you probably felt very lucky. But now imagine what it would be like if your parent (or some other close relative) was not only good-looking, but also a porn star. This was the subject of a recent AskReddit forum that asked children of porn stars, “How has this affected you growing up?” It’s not something that you probably think about often, but the results were fascinating. Here are some of our favorite horrifying, and enlightening, answers:
“Well, my dad was a big porn producer and director in the ’70s-’90s. It made him a ton of money but he blew it all gambling. There was always his porn movies and boxes out at his house. Don’t know if it affected me. I turned out pretty normal sexually. I did find out Ron Jeremy had sex in my kitchen. So there’s that.”
“When I was in the 7th grade, my friend told me that he saw my mom online, and further investigation showed that my mother was on the ‘Bang My Wife’ series. So my stepdad at the time allowed my mother to perform on another man for his satisfaction. THANKFULLY my friend kept it a secret from other people. Well, not enough to make an impact. I never told my mom and I have a hard time looking at her in the face now. NO I WILL NOT LINK ANY VIDEOS.”
“I have a hard time watching porn, because every once in a while my Dad will pop up. Imagine that, it is pretty weird.”
“In ninth grade there was a guy in gym class who’s mom was apparently a porn star. He did some pretty weird shit including:
– giving himself a “nipple piercing” with a safety pin
– shitting in the locker room shower
So anyway, one day he brings in pics of his mom and shows them to the class. Nobody really knew how to react. He ended up getting expelled for somehow ripping a water fountain out of the wall.”
“My mom is a cam whore. B**ch hogs all the bandwidth.”
“My dad was a porn star in the ’70s. His genes must run strong, because I have a huge dick, a hairy chest and a sweet mustache. Thanks, dad!”

“A kid I was in high school with was notorious because his mom was in porn.
Evidently in freshman year he had some friends at his house and they were going through his dad’s stuff looking for alcohol. They find his porn stash and decide to watch some porn together (because some guys do that I guess?) It was a VHS and it wasn’t rewound, so they started it in the middle.
I guess they’re all thoroughly enjoying themselves watching this chick from behind. Then the camera pans to the front and they get a square view of the woman’s face. It’s the kid’s mom.
He never lived it down. Not only was his mom in porn, but he’d been spanking the monkey to her. People would see him walking between classes and yell the name of the actor who was in the scene with her (I don’t remember the name now. Mike something, I think).
When he made the football team someone put up still frames of his mom in other films in the locker room. He transferred schools about halfway through sophomore year because he couldn’t deal with the mocking.”
“When that kid on XBox live tells me he fucked my mom, it’s kinda hard to prove he didn’t.”
“I didn’t live with her, I was adopted by my grandfather. However I fucked up when I told everyone in elementary school that my mother was a movie star. My parents didn’t know how to tell me.
I am Asian and I can’t look at Asian porn is one odd thing about it; the fear is real. I don’t like hedonistic living as a response to her. Any questions?”
“One of my friends found pictures of my sister on some revenge porn site in high school. He seemed almost disappointed when I didn’t really care. I don’t know … She’s ever progressing towards fame, it might be a good thing that her nudes were leaked early on. Besides, I don’t know what he expected from me, like … if anything, it says more about her ex than her, you know?”
“Let’s say MILF isn’t my favorite category.”
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