New Jersey Pizza Shop Employee Wrote ‘Fried Hard Like A Black D—‘ On The Back Of Wings Receipt

So, they must have been pretty hard then?

According to Barstool Sports, a South Jersey woman was shocked when she opened up her order of wings from a local pizza shop last month and saw that her receipt in the bag had some rather interesting special instructions printed on it.

Loretta Smith Layne said the receipt came with her order of 20 fresh wings from Danny’s Pizza Pizzazz in Bridgeton on July 25, adding that she was “very offended and upset and disrespected” because she ordered her wings fried hard, not “fried hard like a black dick.”

The owner of the pizza shop, Danny Sommeling, told NBC 10 that the receipt didn’t come from his joint, and he has no idea how it found its way into her order of wings. But Layne says she has text messages from Sommeling in which he apologizes for his son’s bad decision that was “definitely not professional.”

No word if anybody has ever received a receipt with their pepper and egg sandwich from Danny’s and asked for it to be short like an Irish, well, I think you see where we’re going with this.

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