Oh That Scratching Noise In Your Ear? That’s Just A Spider Spinning A Web

Hey, it’s still way less gross than this.

According to Huffington Post, a 25-year-old Chinese woman who thought the scratching noise in her ear meant that she was either sick or possessed by evil spirits finally went to a hospital and was shocked to learn the noise was actually coming from a spider that had made her left ear its new home.

Li Meng thinks the spider may have climbed into her ear during what sounds like a super romantic hike with her boyfriend. She said the scratching began later that night, and it was followed by random sharp pains in her ear.

Thinking she was “cursed,” Meng first visited a temple to pray. That turned out to be worthless, so she turned to drugs. But when the painkillers and anti-inflammatory pills didn’t work, she finally decided to see an ear, nose and throat specialist, and he quickly discovered that a spider was spinning web in her ear cavity.

Unfortunately for Meng, when the doctor tried to pull the spider out, it became pissed and reacted “violently.” In fact, the doctor was only able to pull the spider out after he doped it up with anesthesia.

Thankfully, she was a tad smarter than this guy and didn’t try to burn it out with a lighter: Absolute Moron Scared Of Spiders Tries To Kill One With His Lighter And Sets Gas Station On Fire

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