20 Of The Most Cringeworthy, Hauntingly Terrible Vines You Will Ever See

Vine might not be the best platform for comedy, but it’s a great way to capture unintentional hilarity that would’ve gone completely unnoticed otherwise. These people may not have meant to be viral sensations, but because of unfortunate circumstances, we can now cringe along with them. Here are 20 of the most cringeworthy and hauntingly terrible Vine videos you will ever see.

1. This nightmare of a romantic ballad.

2. Hillary Clinton’s terrible joke delivered with the conviction of a toddler learning to read.

3. She hangs on a little too long and then lets go a little too soon.

4. This kid actually got stuffed into a locker at school.

5. It’s quite possible that no one has taken this long to fall before.

6. Don’t ever grab the mic.

7. This sums up so much of what life is like.

8. This is why your mom always yelled at you about playing on the shopping cart.

9. Grandpa may not have survived this day at the pool.

10. Dancing on top of a car rarely works out in your favor.

11. We never get to see the end of this, but it probably did not go well.

12. What in the world was this gym activity supposed to be?

13. Oh goodness.

14. I almost threw up watching this.

15. It’s not funny, but it’s kind of hilarious.

16. This guy tried to do…something at a toy store, and it did not go as planned.

17. So close…yet so far.

18. Dad gets a little too wild and regrets it.

19. I have watched this Vine at least 5,000 times.

20. Just watch the girl in the background and call it a day.

More: The #FRESHAVOCADO Vine Tag Gets Funnier Every Day

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