How You Respond To Work Emails vs. How You Wish You Could Respond

We’ve all had to suck it up and reply to our bosses with a fake smile in an email while silently screaming inside. But what if you could write exactly what you wanted in response to your boss’s asinine email? You probably wouldn’t work there much longer, but boy would it be so satisfying to press that send button one last time. Here’s a look at how you respond to work emails versus how you wish you could respond.

1a. Meeting Tomorrow – How You Respond:

1b. Meeting Tomorrow – How You Wish You Could Respond:

2a. Holiday Work Ethic – How You Respond:

2b. Holiday Work Ethic – How You Wish You Could Respond:

3a. Performance Review – How You Respond

3b. Performance Review – How You Wish You Could Respond

4a. Work Computer Activity – How You Respond:

4b. Work Computer Activity – How You Wish You Could Respond:

5a. Requested Day Off – How You Respond:

5b. Requested Day Off – How You Wish You Could Respond:

Related: Top 10 Reasons Why Your Coworkers Hate You

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