‘The Mighty Ducks’ Movies Have a Few Hidden Lessons for Us We Didn’t Realize Until Now

Photos: Buena Vista Pictures

Our childhoods were sugar coated and lovingly wrapped by Disney classics that celebrated our blossoming hormones, prepubescent awkwardness, and first adult thoughts of girls. We all know the importance of the Gordon Bombays of the world and what films like The Mighty Ducks did for us then, but do they stand the test of time? After 25 years of being inundated with Fulton slap shots, unpredictable knuckle pucks, and Connie Moreau’s budding bosoms, we’re taking a moment to reevaluate our favorite fictional sports team after several years out in the “real world” and realize some hidden lessons therein now that we’re such mature adults.

Come along as we revisit pee-wee hockey’s biggest underdog that would somehow manage to become the winner of an Olympic-level competition then somehow struggle to compete in high school. Does it all make sense? Barely. But after a few years of real-life adulting, we’re about to find out. How do you feel The Mighty Ducks and its sequels stand now in your life? Are you triple-deking your way through life, or do you still just get the Goldberg farts in public? What is the message this movie gives us in the end? Well, you might not like it, sports fans. It has to do with the perks of drunk driving.

‘The Mighty Ducks’ Movies Have a Few Hidden Lessons for Us We Didn’t Realize Until Now

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