A-Hole Goose Attacks Cop And Pushes Him Into Bushes In Bizarre Video

That goose sure does hate cops.

The best thing about this incident is that it was caught on camera for all of us to enjoy. Although the cop that it happened to probably isn’t happy that it was caught on camera because now he will be made fun of at the station until the cows (or geese) come home.

The video below, which occurred in Clarksville, Kentucky, shows one police officer trying to fend off a goose who has decided to be a complete a-hole. You can clearly see in the video that the goose is super pissed off for some reason, as he continues to attack the cop, and even makes him fall into a nearby bush.

Check out the hilarious and bizarre video below.

What the hell did that cop do to that goose and his family that made him act that way? The saddest part is the cop swinging his bag around only to fall into a bush. That is such a ‘Jerry’ move.

Well, apparently there were no injuries, except for the police officer’s pride and reputation. Here’s hoping he doesn’t use the same defensive tactic against the criminals on the street.

h/t Mashable

And then there’s this cop: Look At The Bad Ass Way This Cop Decided To Handle A Mouse

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