Photo: Laurence Dutton (Getty)
Sweden, you’ve done it again.
If you were super brave and bold you probably did your number two at school if you really needed to go. But for the majority of us using the restroom to poop at school was a nightmare — a nightmare that we all just avoided. There was nothing scarier than hearing a bunch of students talking and gossiping all while you were on the toilet and regretting having that burrito for lunch. But not to worry, kids, there soon may be music added to school toilets. Well, only toilets in Sweden.
Cecilia Cato, a councillor for the Centre Party in Tingsryd, Sweden, says that kids feel embarrassed to use the bathroom at school (hell, adults feel embarrassed to use it at a Kohl’s,) so one way she is proposing to help with that is by adding some jams.
“I don’t think it’s just about No. 2 on the toilet, but many also don’t do No. 1.,” Cato told The Local. “I’ve worked in the world of education for many years and know through the students that this is a problem, above all in junior and senior high school.”
“I myself experienced this when I was young and now that it’s being talked about many others confirm that they did too. It’s not something you talk completely openly about…” Cato adds. Thanks, Cato, now we know all about your pooping needs.
Cato’s plan kicked off after she discovered that a newly built music high school in the town has music in all its toilets. So now Cato wants to do this in every school. Now her idea will have to be voted on by the local authority.
“Of course there won’t be music in toilets everywhere, but I also think it is a maturity thing that most people are able to handle in the future,” Cato adds.
Hey, if there could be music in every public restroom, I wouldn’t mind at all as long as I heard this song while I did my business.
h/t Metro