Photo: NBC
What would TV be without favorite side characters? We’re talking about the people who pop up unexpectedly and get studio clapping just for walking in the room.
The Jerry Seinfelds and Don Drapers of the TV world would be nothing without their Cosmo Kramers and Roger Sterlings. Whether you’re into comedy shows or TV dramas, binge watching or old school TV with commercials, every great show is supported heavily by its side characters.
Sometimes we even love the hell out of the side characters a whole lot more than the main characters. With Breaking Bad, we found ourselves more entertained by the Saul Goodman salesmanship and the Hank Schrader’s party jokes. We tuned into Parks & Recreation more often than not for the goofy Andy antics and Jerry splitting his bands. The most absurdity of almost every “Always Sunny” episode usually comes from the smallest of side characters.
So check out our sweet little slideshow to see who our favorite TV side pieces characters written and acted so uniquely, they’re virtually irreplaceable. If you don’t agree these are the most insanely clever TV characters, well, then you have terrible taste. And who asked you!?
The Most Insanely Clever TV Side Characters We Love the Hell Out of
(Facebook image: FOX/Netflix)
Now give this a look: Cosmo Kramer’s Guide to Living Life on Your Own Terms
Clever TV Characters
Frank Reynolds
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia was never the same once they introduced the derelict father figure, played by Danny DeVito. Slowly and steadily they have taken him down the rabbit hole of stray denim boiling, toe-knife botch jobs, glue huffing and cat food consuming to being one of the most despicable creatures on TV. "Go for it, go for it."
Frank Costanza
He's the father nobody wants yet many of us get in one way or another. Jerry Stiller stopped short and replaced the role of George's father and with perfection we might add. Stiller had a similar role as the senile father-in-law on King of Queens.
Andy Dwyer
Andy Dwyer lacks all the common sense in the world, but he's wrapped up as an adorably idiot Chris Pratt. That makes the character so endearing, yet even as his character grew, he still remained fairly stupid.
Charlie Runkle
The whipping boy polar opposite to David Duchovny's whiskey, weed and women good timing, Evan Handler took his lashes in stride for seven seasons, each one with more depraved shit than the previous. Between the premature public ejaculations, receiving oral unknowingly from a transvestite streetwalker and being known around town as the "masturbating agent," we think he's seen it all and then some. True entertainment.
Frank Gallagher
Fathers named Frank are clearly going for broke when comes to their demented ways. The Showtime stopper is William Macy's Frank Gallagher, the dad who lives on the government and leaves his numerous kids (I think we're up to 7 now) to fend for themselves. A schemer and a hardworking apathetic out to squeeze every dime out of our fair country, Frank is the poster child for America.
Tobias Fünke
We love a character who doesn't really think before he speaks, and Tobias is the perfect example of a disillusioned dad in need of some serious tough love. He was the one of about two reasons why we sat through that exhausting fourth season of Arrested Development.
Geoffrey Butler
The butler who makes a living mocking a rich family about their privilege and weight problems is the cleverest character of all. Joseph Marcell has the second most funny lines on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air next to Will Smith. His last name on the show was even Butler.
Jim Lahey
The alcoholic trailer park supervisor who thinks he's the law of the land and whose trusted sidekick is a shirtless deputy is about as intimately hilarious as a trailer park it gets. Cheeseburger picnics, piss jugs, sexy pricks and birds of a shit feather. What could be better?
Roger Sterling
Whiskey drinking, wise cracking and skirt chasing. There's no better way to live in the '60s.
Adam West
Sadly he's no longer with us, but no cartoon character made us laugh better than the rare but truly loved Mayor Adam West. Hopefully we'll get a nice tribute in the coming Family Guy season this fall.