Regardless of where you are in the life cycle of being to having kids, you’ll surely appreciate these kid memes we have gathered here. They say that kids are the biggest source of joy, but for us, that’s fresh memes, so we thought why not combine the two for maximum enjoyment. These kid memes will make you laugh, cringe a bit, want to have kids, but also buy a box of condoms at other times. But mostly laugh.
Whether they are relatable to adults, relatable to our times as kids, cute, disgusting, clever or just plain wrong, there’s no denying that they are really funny. And in case that you were wondering, we’re not too big to skip making fun of some children, as evident by plenty of these funny kid memes.
Kid Memes
Kid Memes - The Pay Off
To start us off is probably the best reason to have kids. It is a long investment, but one day it will pay off. For others, it might be when their child goes to college and becomes an adult, for those who appreciate the little things in life it will come sooner.
Kid Memes - Cartel
On the other hand, a proper reason not to have kids is that they might turn out to be cartel lords and that they've established a paramilitary organization with their play buddies. Also, we know these are plastic, toy guns, but I'm still terrified of the kid in the middle. Probably even his teacher calls him "jefe" or "patron". He definitely calls his dad "gringo".
Kid Memes - Pride
On the other hand, kids can really make you proud. That's a really clever joke right here and just think about the moment of pure pride when your kid makes its first meme. One day it will make its own kid memes and you'll be Tweeting how they grow up so fast.
Kid Memes - We Feel You
There are a lot of continuous kid memes but none funnier on its own than the Pajama Kid, whose mom confused picture day with pajama day resulting in this glorious photo. This kid became an adult on that school morning, realizing what life of disappointment expects him and summarized it perfectly with this legendary face. The kid is expressional as Nicholas Cage.
Kid Memes - Why is My Kid Crying 1
To display how both sides of the parents-kids arrangement can be disappointed in its counterparts, here are two of the best "Why My Kid Is Crying Memes". Which basically just explain the stupidest reasons why people's kids are crying and also makes us give up on our dream of parenthood.
Kid Memes - Why is My Kid Crying 2
There is a whole collection of these kid memes online, but these two are the best, especially this young gentleman whose eyes alone depict a tragedy on the levels not reached even in Ancient Greek plays.
Kid Memes - 007
Hopefully, this kid meme won't make you get your internet rake and start a petition, it's just a silly picture that could well be photoshopped. If not, the kid will easily be a model with those eyes when he grows up.
Kid Memes - Ms. President
The complete opposite of the "Why is My Kid Crying" brats we have this little girl who became known when she crashed her dad's BBC interview. The way she looks makes us certain that she will actually be the first president of Earth. If not, she could become a Linda Hunt impersonator.
Kid Memes - Accountant
See, we can be cute and post kid memes that your aunt shares on Facebook.
Kid Memes - Death Stare
For whatever reason, memes involving kids are the best for representing how we feel as adults. But you can laugh at our jokes (please do) because we like you.
Kid Memes - Gavin
This meme can easily be in the girlfriend memes article. Also, this kid is a meme-lord on the level of Drake, and his name is Gavin, so you can find more of his memes online.