Man On Moped Too Busy Looking At His Phone To See Sinkhole Up Ahead

Screenshot: YouTube

Yes, I understand that cellphones are a brilliant invention — an invention that allows you to ignore people on the subway, text people you’d rather not talk to on the phone and an invention that allows you to order food right from your couch. But please, for the love of everything that is holy, do not use your phone while you’re using a vehicle — especially if there’s a massive sinkhole up ahead. And that was probably a bit of advice this dude on a moped should have followed.

The footage below, taken in Guangxi, China, shows a street collapse, moments before an aimless driver on a moped drives right into the hole. Oh, and he was on his phone so of course he didn’t notice the huge hole.

Check out the crazy footage below thanks to The Guardian.

Man On Moped Too Busy Looking At His Phone To See Sinkhole Up Ahead

At least people rushed to his aid. Oh wait, no one did.

Luckily for the motorist he only escaped with minor injuries, and now everyone can laugh at him with a clear conscience.

And then we have this lady: Lady Falls Down Open Basement Door While On Cellphone

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