Head On Collision Cheating Stories From Reddit

Photo: looknow (Getty Images)

One thing is to be cheated on, it can be absolutely devastating to a person on so many levels, but it’s a completely different beast when you catch your significant other cheating on you. And that’s what we have here, a bunch of cheating stories from Reddit about people who walked into their partners cheating on them. These events can scar people more than first kiss horror stories.

Some of these cheating stories were such close encounters that they could be categorized as crazy sex stories, depending on the point of view. You’ll find all types of cheating stories in here – cheating in a relationship, cheating in a marriage, cheating women, and cheating men. All of them had the awkwardly awful moment of catching someone red handed.

Cheating Stories

Cheating Story #1

I walked in early from work. My door was locked. It’s never locked. So I super stealth mode opened the door and found her and my roommate in bed together. I simply had her move her shit from my room to his. I hooked up with one of her friends like a week later and she was pissed. They both moved out at the end of the month. She tried to break in after I went on deployment, but didn’t know that I found a new roommate. He pulled a sword on her, it was epic.

As for where she ended up, my ex and the ex-roommate ended up getting married. She had stolen my Gameboy and given it to him. He got caught playing it while on watch and got demoted and put on ship restriction for 45 days and they took half his pay for that time as well. Not long after this they ended up getting divorced. Karma came around for both of them and I couldn’t be happier with the eventual outcome.

Cheating Story #2

One of my co-workers ran into her then-boyfriend’s house to get her phone charger before work. She walked into his bedroom and found him in bed with another woman. She then took a picture of them in bed, and SENT IT TO HIS MOTHER. She let the mother take care of it.

Cheating Story #3

I was dating my neighbor, and his door was 10 feet away from my front door. One night I had some friends over and he went out with his friends. We had some Nerf guns at my apartment and my guy friend shot me in the eye and scratched my cornea. It was so painful. I didn’t know what to do, it was pretty late at night and I had been drinking so I decided the best thing to do was just take some allergy medicine and fall into a Benadryl coma. I woke up the next morning and was in so much pain. I couldn’t open my eye, and crying made it burn which made me cry more. So, I ran over to my boyfriends apartment, let myself in (we had copies of each other’s keys) and as I was going up the stairs to his room I kept thinking “hm, women’s shoes! How weird.” And “I wonder whose pants those are!” But I was so set on having him drive me to the emergency room or something so I just busted into his room and there he was, in bed with his best girl friend. They hadn’t heard me come in, so I just stood there for an uncomfortably long time.

I ended up slamming the door behind me, running back to my apartment and was so upset with everything that I sat on my floor of my bedroom and had a full fledge melt down. I was unconsciously hitting the floor so hard with my hands that my knuckles were raw and bruised. My roommate eventually came in and dragged me to the ER were I was then told I had an infection in my eye and had to get it flushed out.

Cheating Story #4

Not my cheating story, but one of the managers where I worked in college was seriously the nicest guy I’ve ever met. He was pretty religious, but not in a douchey way. He would give you the shirt off his back. He had been married before and they divorced amicably and had just recently remarried. Apparently the new wife got along fairly well with the old wife (they all went to the same church) and they began spending time together. He thought it was great because there were kids involved and this made things substantially easier that they weren’t fighting and could coparent easily.

One day he was a no-call no-show to work. We were all really worried because that was so not like him. It turns out he left the house, went to the gym, was on his way into work when he realized he forgot something so he swung back by the house to pick it up. He found his ex-wife and new wife getting it on in the bedroom.

Cheating Story #5

A few years ago a female friend of mine walked in on her husband having sex with another woman. she posted it on facebook, then shot her husband, then herself. i had commented jokingly on her facebook page “did you cut his balls off?” — i later had several newspapers call me to talk about the story.

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