Man’s Leg Swallowed By Sinkhole While Crossing Brooklyn Street

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So not only do you have to worry about giant rats in New York City, you now have to worry about getting your leg being swallowed by a sinkhole. OK, so the latter isn’t a top worry, but it will be now for the poor dude who had to go through it recently.

It all “kicked-off” when 28-year-old Stephen Suarez found himself crossing the street in the Bedford Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn. And all was fine and dandy until the street under Suarez collapsed, trapping his foot and leg in a sinkhole. A man who works with Suarez at an auto repair shop reached out to authorities.

Check out the video of this poor dude trapped in a nightmare.

A witness, Danny Flores, told DNA Info that Suarez said he “couldn’t feel his foot.” “I thought he didn’t have no leg when I first saw him. It’s scary because his whole body could have fallen in.”

“When I fell, I fell straight down. I fell on my tailbone — fell straight through,” Suarez told CBS New York. “I was in a lot of pain. I thought I was going to fall straight through the ground completely. I was like, ‘Oh no, what the hell is about to happen to me?'”

Suarez was taken to a nearby hospital according to the fire department, and Suarez said he is recovering from a hairline fracture in his leg. The incident is now being investigated by the Department of Environmental Protection.

And here’s hoping Suarez is working on a lawsuit.

Now give this a look: Man On Moped Too Busy Looking At His Phone To See Sinkhole Up Ahead

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