Awesome Dragon Ball Characters Tattoos From Instagram

Photo: Toei Animation

While Dragon Ball Z is the more popular series from the awesome universe, it owes its origin to the original Dragon Ball series. The one when Goku was just a very weird kid training with an even weirder trainer and battling it out with other memorable Dragon Ball characters in various tournaments. There are 153 episodes of the old show, which gave people all around the world a chance to fall in love with the characters and later tattoo them on their bodies.

Dragon Ball characters are less jacked, but definitely more endearing, and don’t feel so threatening as Dragon Ball Z characters, which makes them a perfect option for tattooing.

Since Goku is the main character of the show, and so loveable, most of the tattoos are of him, but there are other Dragon Ball characters you know and love.

Dragon Ball Characters Tattoos

A post shared by Mayda O.B (@maydaob) on

A perfect Dragon Ball tattoo as it illustrates the main driving force of the show – the quest for finding Dragon Balls. There are some discrete elements to it, like the flying cloud and the mysterious Goku’s tail.

A post shared by David-San (@david.san13) on

Here’s a wild guess, if you could browse through internet history of the person who tattooed Master Roshi, you’ll be appalled and scared for life. Everyone’s favorite perv was one of the most important Dragon Ball characters and the most fun, which the tattoo illustrates perfectly.

A post shared by 白布Tattoo (@baibutattoo) on

Everyone’s favorite shaved head character ever and a perfect sidekick, which is probably why this person chose to have him accompanying him all the time.

Who can forget Bulma? Not Master Roshi that is for sure. Definitely another tattooed person with a dirty search history. It’s super weird how much the show was sexual, that wouldn’t be allowed today as some parents would start a march. Or blame Canada.

A post shared by Guille Ponce (@guiyermohc) on

All of these Dragon Ball characters tattoos are truly satisfying visually, even if you don’t like the source material, similarly to the video game tattoos.

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