Houston Woman Who Destroyed Andy Warhol Paintings On Drunken First Date Is Facing Life In Prison

Photo: biffspandex (Getty)

In case you haven’t heard of Lindy Lou Layman, she’s a 29-year-old Dallas woman who has made headlines after she damaged at least $300,000 worth of artwork during a first date — a date where she of course got trashed.

Layman went out on a date with Houston Lawyer Anthony Buzbee. According to court records obtained by PEOPLE, during the date, Layman got drunk and then threw “liquid” on three original paintings at Buzbee’s mansion, and then tore them off the wall “with her hands, causing damage. And now the blonde is facing life in prison.


The degree of the charge is determined by the value of the objects that were damaged, the Chronicle explains. In this case, Layman has been charged with the maximum penalty, a first-degree felony, which carries a maximum sentence of life in prison. Among the damaged artwork were two Andy Warhol paintings, each valued at $500,000, according to the Associated Press.

On Tuesday, when Layman appeared in court for a brief appearance, her attorney said his client disputes the accusations against her. “We certainly disagree with Mr. Buzbee’s rendition of the facts when he spoke to the media and we disagree with what was said in probable cause court,” attorney Justin Keiter told the Chronicle. When pressed for details, Keiter said, “I’ll save that for the courtroom.”

According to Buzbee, Layman was so drunk that he tried to call her an Uber but she hid in his home. Layman then became hostile, at one point yelling, “I’m not leaving!” And that’s when Layman began to destroy her date’s artwork.

Layman posted bail after her arrest and was released from custody. She hasn’t entered a plea yet, but she’s a pretty blonde so my gut tells me she will only get probation and a slap on the wrist.

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