Concept portrait of a cute 3 month baby girl in many winter jackets.

You’ll Want To See These Child Birth Costs If You’re Planning On Having A Kid In Alaska Or New Jersey

Photo: ThomasVoge (Getty)

I guess the question at this point is, “Why in the hell would you want to live in Jersey?” And actually, based on the cost in each one of the 50 states, I guess the better question is, “Why in the hell would you ever have a kid?”

According to the Daily Mail, data compiled by the crew at FAIR Health shows that the cost of giving birth to a child can be pretty damn terrifying, especially if you’re living in Alaska and New Jersey.

FAIR Health used numbers from 2016 and 2017 based on insurance claims data from giving birth and then created this map showing the average cost of a vaginal delivery (red) compared to a c-section delivery (green) in each state. Surprisingly, both procedures are more expensive in states like Wisconsin and Connecticut that they are in California.

Image: Fair Health

But when it comes to delivering a brand new human being, the cost of doing so in both Alaska and New Jersey is down right disgusting. Meanwhile if you’re planning on having a litter of kids, then states like Louisiana, Alabama and Utah would be the most affordable.

Although the map doesn’t show it, the absolute cheapest alternative is still pulling out.

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