Lindsay Lohan is a Jealous Lesbian

Lindsay Lohan and her long-time lesbian piece, DJ Samantha Ronson, are reportedly living together, but I guess that’s not enough of a commitment to keep Lindsay from acting like a deranged lunatic. Page Six reports:

The two spent the weekend partying at the Beatrice Inn on Friday and Hawaiian Tropic Zone on Saturday, where Ronson was spinning, but Lohan didn’t like all the attention Ronson was getting. “Ashley Olsen said hello to Sam at the Beatrice, and Lindsay screamed at her, ‘Get your 15-year-old ‘Full House’ a – – away from my girlfriend,’ ” said our spy. Saturday, Lohan said Ronson “was ignoring her” and became upset. “Samantha was really focused on her work and didn’t leave the booth for anything,” said our spy. Lindsay is so into her pal, she’s even created a Facebook profile under “Lindsay Ronson.”

Not to be lost in any of this is the fact that Lindsay Lohan, despite two trips to rehab, has been spotted all over New York downing vodka recently (more on that here and here), and the fact that her career is basically over at 21 because she can’t be anything else other than a drunk whore. So, instead of starting her life’s journey, Lindsay Lohan is behind a DJ booth doing shots and screaming at anybody who comes within three feet of a chick who looks like the 4th runner up in the Miss Women’s Prison pageant. Good times.

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