Hi, I’m Lindsay. I’m Insane.

Even after a judge called her out on every single one of her lies and excuses then sentenced her to 90 days in jail, the Lindsay delusion train hasn’t come close to stopping. In an insane rant last night on her Twitter, Lindsay actually quoted excerpts from the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights and compared herself to the Iranian woman who was just sentenced to be stoned to death for adultery. I really wish I was making all this up.

It is clearly stated in Article 5 of the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights that….“No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”…this was taken from an article by Erik Luna.. “November 1 marked the 15th anniversary of the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines. But there were no celebrations, parades, or other festivities in honor of this punishment scheme created by Congress and the U.S. Sentencing Commission….”Instead, the day passed like most others during the last 15 years: Scores of federal defendants sentenced under a constitutionally perverted system that saps moral judgment through its mechanical rules.”

After her sentencing, Lindsay apparently flew into a psychotic rage because the judge had the audacity to do what her parents refused to do.

TMZ has learned Lindsay Lohan went ballistic after she was sentenced to 90 days in jail, telling her friends, Judge Marsha Revel is “a f**king bitch.” Hours after the sentence — Lindsay bitterly complained to her friends, Revel hates her, was out to get her, and thinks all the judge wanted to do was make an example out of her. Lindsay insisted she does not have a problem with drugs or alcohol.

In other shocking news, Lindsay tried to be MacGuyver with her SCRAM device. Although in her defense, it’s hard to do when you’re drunk off your ass.

We’re told the night of the MTV Movie Awards — when her SCRAM registered more than a .03 blood alcohol level — Lindsay allegedly tampered with the device in order to block the reading. Sources say days later Lindsay tried obstructing her SCRAM again. We’re told the data registered by the SCRAM device reveals tampering, and the data from Lindsay’s SCRAM clearly shows the two tampering attempts.

I’ll never understand violence against women, but if there was a vote to allow people to bury this self-obsessed cunt alive if they see her, I’d be more than happy to pull that lever.

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