Lindsay Is Out Of Jail

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Having only served 14 days of her 90 day sentence, Lindsay was released from Lynwood Correctional Facility at 1:35 a.m. this morning and immediately taken by police escort to UCLA Medical Center to begin rehab. Yahoo! reports:

A prosecutor has said that Lohan cannot be released early and will have to spend the entire time in treatment, reportedly at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center. The facility and government officials declined to say whether Lohan is a patient there, but paparazzi followed a van that received a police escort to the center after Lohan’s release from jail. Lohan’s abbreviated jail stay was not unexpected, although it was considerably longer than the 84 minutes she spent at the same facility in 2007. The judge said during Lohan’s surrender July 20 that she had no control over how long the actress would be jailed, but she did require her to serve her time at a women’s jail operated by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Lohan’s attorney, Shawn Chapman Holley, did not immediately return an e-mail message seeking comment.

Sorry about the late jump today, but apparently a medieval wench traveled through time and gave me the Black Plague. But enough about me, Lindsay is out of jail. Awesome. She could have stood in a long line at Target and been more inconvenienced that this.

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