The Sundance Institute Has A Mission Statement

Remember when they used to show arthouse flicks? No?

“Since 1981, Sundance Institute has evolved to become an internationally-recognized nonprofit organization that actively advances the work of risk-taking storytellers worldwide. Originally founded by Robert Redford in the mountains of Sundance, Utah, Sundance Institute has always provided a space for independent artists to explore their stories free from commercial and political pressures. By providing year-round creative and financial support for the development of original stories for the screen and stage, Sundance Institute remains committed to its mission to discover and develop independent artists and audiences across the globe.”

Sundance is committed to providing a space for independent artists like Carmen Electra to explore stories like Aerobic Striptease and Good Burger. Sundance is also committed to ensuring Robert Redford can be distracted by tits long enough not to realize his entire enterprise is now the antithesis of everything it originally stood for.

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