Kate Middleton is Pregnant

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After putting off the one thing her job requires her to do for over a year so she could go on lots of vacations, the future Queen of England, Kate Middleton, is finally with child. And everyone is just delighted. The Daily Mail reports:

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are having a baby, it was announced today. Catherine, 30, has been taken to King Edward VII Hospital in London with acute morning sickness is expected to stay in hospital for several days.

In a statement on the couple’s website, the couple said they were ‘delighted with the news’. The Queen, Prince Philip and other members of the royal family are ‘delighted’.

Prime Minister David Cameron said on Twitter: ‘I’m delighted by the news that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are expecting a baby.’

Kate Middleton was supported by her rich parents for eight years so she could be at Prince William’s beck and call until he finally decided to put a ring on it. Once she got him down the aisle she managed to do up to one grueling public engagement a month. Of course such a difficult schedule meant she needed numerous trips abroad each year to relax. Now she is finally knocked up, fulfilling her entire point in the marriage, and immediately ends up in the hospital because she has an upset tummy. Seriously, EVERYTHING is too much work for this girl.

So, you know, congrats to the happy couple or whatever.

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