Jessica Lowndes Is Single

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I realize nobody cares about this but me, but as the headline says, my girlfriend who doesn’t know she’s my girlfriend is single. No, not her. The other one. No, not her. Her either. It’s Jessica, man! Can’t you read??!! New York Post reports:

“90210” star Jessica Lowndes has split with Olympic athlete Jeremy Bloom after dating for a year, sources tell Page Six. We’re told Lowndes and Bloom, an Olympic skier, former NFL player and founder of the Wish of a Lifetime charity, which helps pensioners achieve their life dreams, have “gone their separate ways.” We hear the relationship faltered because Bloom lives in New York while Lowndes has been filming the final season of “90210” in California.

“Jessica Bloom” sounds like somebody who writes children’s books about sharing and magical trees, so it’s probably good they didn’t get married. Look, I know this dude used to play in the NFL and skis in the Olympics and does charity and all that, but I just bought my puppy a sweater, so….

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