Charlie Sheen Is Confusing

Charlie Sheen performed in New York City this week, and no one exiting the theater understood why they went. The New York Daily News reports:

There was nothing “winning” about Charlie Sheen’s one-man show in New York Friday night.

The hard-partying actor took to the stage of Radio City Music Hall as part of his “Violent Torpedo of Truth” tour to deliver an hour-long profanity-laden ramble that was vaguely coherent at best and sordid and self-indulgent at worst.

Sheen, 45, sauntered onto the stage 35 minutes late to a standing ovation from a raucous and optimistic crowd that cheered and shouted, “I love you, Charlie.”

Barely an hour later, the same audience filtered out of the famed Sixth Ave. venue baffled by the actor’s performance and questioning why they had parted with their hard-earned cash.

“He’s a little off his rocker,” said Barbara Ann Preziosi, 50, who paid $109 for her orchestra seat.

“I wish he would go back to ‘Two and a Half Men,’ and I think he plays Charlie Harper really well but, in real life he’s a disappointment.”

“The show sucked,”
said Mike Brancaccio, 26, from Rockaway, N.J., who paid more than $100 for his ticket.

“I’m just glad it’s over so I can get a drink that isn’t crazily overpriced.”

Charlie’s goddesses look like they’d be his Furies, his catchphrases are already tired, and he’s milking his fame now to avoid the unemployment line later. This isn’t the origin of Stonehenge, the identity of Jack the Ripper, or what happened on the grassy knoll. There’s no mystery here. If you’re questioning why you parted with your hard-earned cash to see Charlie Sheen rant about hookers and blow, here’s your answer: Because you’re an asshole.

Image via WENN.

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