Lamar Odom Wanted To Quit Khloe & Lamar After Three Days

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When you marry an attention whore who is only famous because her sister got mouthfucked on camera and because her dad made millions by defending a guy who cut his wife’s head off, there’s certain factors you have to consider. Those factors being, she’s an attention whore who is only famous because her sister got mouthfucked on camera and because her dad made millions by defending a guy who cut his wife’s head off. Us Magazine reports:

Two days after the premiere of Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom’s new reality series, Khloe & Lamar, the L.A. Lakers star is already struggling to adapt to the rigors of fame. “I thought it was going to be easy. It’s really tough,” Odom, 31, tells Ellen DeGeneres in a new interview airing Tuesday. Kardashian — who also appears on her family’s E! series Keeping Up With the Kardashians — admits she tried to initially shield her husband from the pressures of being followed by cameras 24/7. “I knew from doing my family’s show how intense and grueling and how much they are really in your face,” Kardashian, 26, says. “I personally didn’t want to do the show. I love taping. I just didn’t want to put Lamar through that pressure and Lamar was like, ‘let’s do it.'” Consenting to the cameras was easier said than done for Odom, and three days into filming, he tried to quit. “He said, ‘Can you tell your mom to get us out of this contract?’ I go, ‘Absolutely not. That ship has sailed,'” Kardashian said.

Oh, please. Lamar didn’t even have a chance to finish saying “I do” before Kris Jenner was fingering herself looking at the contract. Of course they were gonna have a reality show. Of course Ryan Seacrest and Kris Jenner probably considered making him sign the contract at gunpoint. Of course Ryan Seacrest is probably developing Keeping Up With Kendall’s Period as we speak. They’re Kardashians. That’s what the fuck they do. If one of these whores had to go five minutes without a camera in their face they’d take a hostage.

Oh, on a sidenote: I apologize that some of you had to be mildly inconvenienced by an embedded video promoting their show. Sorry about that. Just email me and let me know how much you want to pay for a subscription to read this site and I’ll make sure you never have to go through a horrible day like that again.

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