Kris Jenner Is Too Controlling

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Kris Jenner wanted to start a Kardashian fanzine. Page Six says:

Kardashian matriarch Kris Jenner’s demands for absolute editorial control has killed a deal with American Media Inc. to create a Kardashian-devoted fanzine — after she insisted on approval on all stories about her family across their titles. Page Six recently revealed the family was in talks with the publisher — home to Shape, Star, National Enquirer and Radar Online — to create a magazine entirely dedicated to the family’s antics. But sources told us the deal turned sour after Jenner demanded she have editorial approval over every AMI publication to ensure wall-to-wall positive coverage of the overexposed reality robots. Our source told us AMI “balked” at the demand, even though megalomaniac mom Jenner offered to “dish” all of the family “scoop” to the fanzine. AMI execs argued they didn’t want to just swallow saccharine “Kardashian krap,” noting that while they have a television deal with E!, other outlets often get better scoops on the family. AMI dealt the deal a mortal blow when Star last week claimed Jenner’s late ex-husband, Robert Kardashian, was not the biological father of Khloe Kardashian. Furious Jenner denied it, and realized that AMI would never bow to her demands. “AMI chief David Pecker made it clear that there was no way he was going to tell his editors what stories they could and couldn’t do,” our source said. In turn, Jenner pulled Kardashian-related product ads from Star.

They’re missing out the biggest reason why the deal went south: Everyone involved realized that no fans of the Kardashians actually know how to read.

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