Miguel Is A Brilliant Performer


If Psy being nominated for Best Rap song or Taylor Swift winning Record of the Year didn't clue you in that we as a society are in a dark period of music that our children and grandchildren will write off an an embarrassing footnote, apparently there is a singer named Miguel who literally almost killed two women with his performance at the 2013 Billboard Music Awards last night. One got to meet Miguel's shoe with her head, and the other's face had a threesome with Miguel's leg and the stage. And since the narcissisitc, circus of no talent must go on, Miguel DIDN'T EVEN STOP UNTIL THE SONG WAS DONE. Despite Miguel's best efforts, the two women turned out to be fine, and all it took for them to be okay with a dude kicking them in the face was the opportunity to go backstage. Awwww, aren't women cute?

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