Time to GIF busy. If that terrible intro sentence doesn’t tell you that we’re running on empty because the weekend is nearly here, then we’re not sure what would. Fortunately, the GIFs themselves aren’t nearly as lacking in ingenuity. In fact, they’ll put you in a better mood faster than skipping this intro altogether (which, be honest, you totally did). Of course, if you missed last week’s roundup, that might actually be worth circling back to.
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Funniest GIFs 6-28-18
GIFs 6-28-18
Spit (Mis)take
Cool trick. My turn.
Long Live The King
Someone get Mufasa some floaties.
Flip 'n' Slide
And his back was never the same again.
Shock And Dog
No (door)way!
People With Glass Tables Shouldn't Throw Toys
No wonder they all want to kill us.
Rhino No
Mess with the rhino ...well, it's pretty much the same as the bull.
Duck Fails, Woo-oo!
This is why you're instructed not to shoot at airplanes.
Close Shave
Call him Buzz Falldrin.
Leaning Tower Of Jenga
Not exactly an appealing tourist attraction.
Acting Fishy
Water you doing that for?
Tight Dopes
Swing and a swing and a swing and a swing and a swing and a swing and a swing and a miss.
It's A Bird...It's A Plane...
...it's probably reconstructive surgery.