Meanwhile California: Insane Crash Shows Car Flying Through the Air, Puts ‘F9’ to Shame (Video)

The birthplace of the Fast and the Furious franchise has no shortage of car crashes. With nearly half a million collisions a year across 387,000 miles of road, it’s no wonder California has a storied history of automobile accidents. But this epic crash caught on dashcam in Yuba City, might just take the cake.

As a family was driving along Highway 99, just north of Sacramento, they rounded a bend just in time to see something odd flying through the air: a silver Toyota Camry.

Caught off guard by the sudden object hurtling at them through space, the family screamed and slammed on the brakes, watching in horror as the careening hunk of aluminum, like a Japanese dirt comet, threaded power lines 50 feet in the air before crash-landing on the roadway below. After turning a few cartwheels, the crumpled mass came to a standstill upside down, and the panicked family called 911.

Jump ahead to the 45-second mark to watch the insane crash below:

Brian Conejo, a Mechanical and Irrigation Solutions worker, saw the crash on the company’s surveillance cameras:

“On camera, we got to see the person actually beating the cars down the freeway – probably doing 80 to 100 miles per hour in a 25 zone. They came flying straight through here. There’s a really hard left-hand turn up here. They failed to make that turn, just kept going straight and literally went flying over the whole overpass.”

Incredibly, the driver sustained only minor injuries during the incident despite what can only be described as driving way too fast and way too furious. So, much like the end of every FF movie, this story has a happy ending.

We just hope the next installment of Vin Diesel’s neverending legacy can rip a page from this book and go back to its roots by trading in the deluge of CGI for some real, gritty driving. Take it from the Camry lady. Sometimes all you need is a good car and a woman who won’t take stop for an answer.

Cover Photo: Twitter

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