10 Dogs Vs. Stairs

You give a dog a level field and they’re all over it. They’ll run and play fetch, all that dog stuff. However, some dogs are very intimidated and baffled by the idea of stairs. Why all the deadly little platforms, huh? Some dogs give up in the face of this danger, while others learn to embrace it. Here are videos of 10 dogs vs. stairs:


Dog Doesn’t Understand How To Go Up Stairs

“Strange dogs” are now YouTube dogs.


Lazy Dog Slides Down Steps

Legs? Meh, who needs ‘em.


Big Bad Bulldog Scared Of Staircase

If there’s an intruder downstairs, this bulldog will whimper at him to death!


Dog Teaches Puppy About Stairs

From the people who brought you Snow Buddies and Space Buddies comes… Stair Buddies. Coming soon to a DVD bargain bin near you!


Lazy Dog Slides Down Steps 2

Ya gotta rub your crotch on the steps. Ya gotta.


Cat Holds Dog Hostage On Steps

You shall not pass. You shall complain, however.


Brock The Boxer Dog Vs. The Stairs

My favorite part of Rocky is where he takes a short nap in the middle of those steps.


Dog Teaches Dachund Puppy About Stairs

Next trick: teach the dog how to shut up.


Lazy Dog Slides Down Steps 3

Halfway through, the dog is like, “Really?


Pug Thinks Stairs Are Lava

Love that pug.


Geoffrey Golden is the Editor-In-Chief of The Devastator: The Quarterly Comedy Magazine For Humans!

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