Time to become a politician, get caught up in a sexting scandal, publically apologize to my wife, resign from office, vow to never sext again, run for another office, give myself a ridiculous online username, do more sexting, get caught in another sexting scandal that’s even worse, shrug a little and check out these links!
John Oliver Destroys Anthony Weiner On The Daily Show
Not surprisingly, Weiner was d***ing us around.
NeverWet? More Like OftenKindaWet.
<cke:object id=”flashObj” width=”628” height=” 353″=”” classid=”clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000″ codebase=”http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,47,0″>
Now there’s a brand new way to ruin all your stuff!
Are The Movies Really Doomed?

There’s no business like show business… as long as you’re making movies for Asia.
Meltdown At The Genius Bar: Woman’s Epic Screaming Fit Goes Viral
She needs to get something fixed: her attitude! #snap #talktothehand #rememberthe90s
Unambitious Loser With Happy, Fulfilling Life Still Lives In Hometown (The Onion)

I look down on that guy from the ivory tower that is my ant-infested studio apartment.
That’s all for this NeverWet edition of The Big List.
Geoffrey Golden is the Editor in Chief of The Devastator: The Quarterly Comedy Magazine For Humans!