Time to run a shady movie “news” website, post unfounded rumors that are too good to be true, watch as the mainstream media picks up on the story, laugh as everyone starts believing your make believe rumor to be true, eventually watch as people catch on, do it again to get more precious page views and check out these links!
Let Me Explain Why Miley Cyrus’ VMA Performance Was Our Top Story This Morning (The Onion)

Clicks 4 Twerks.
Bryan Cranston To Play Lex Luthor? Not So Fast, Fanboys

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s an unfounded casting rumor!
Breaking Bad Mexican Restaurant Reports Surge In Tableside Guacamole Orders

So… how about that guacamole?
Maybe You Get Bad Customer Service Because You’re A Bad Customer

Or maybe the entire world is out to get you. I’d say the latter is most likely. [image via]
Did Life Come To Earth From Mars?

Flerba-nyak-gloo… I mean, uh, don’t be ridiculous.
That’s all for this this Martian edition of The Big List!
Geoffrey Golden is the Editor in Chief of The Devastator: The Quarterly Comedy Magazine For Humans!