Put one in the win column for the new Green Lantern team. GL Annual #2 wraps up the “Lights Out” story arc, and does it without relying on “make your rings extra shiny.” The weight of the final battle with Relic falls on Green Lantern scribe Robert Venditti, and he executes it with great style. Not only do we understand more fully the implications of the emotional spectrum, but Venditti also sets up the next story arc for both Hal Jordan, the GL Corps, the Red Lanterns and New Guardians.
The last installment of “Lights Out” ended in Red Lanterns, with newly cemented RL leader Guy Gardner setting up a deal with Jordan to assist in taking down Relic. GL Annual #2 opens on Ysmault, where things are not getting any better. Jordan, convinced John Stewart has fallen, tells Guy his best friend is dead. On top of that, apparently one of the hidden reasons Carol Ferris split up with Hal is her newfound connection to Kyle. Is it love? Don’t know yet, but the already unhinged Jordan is none to happy about it.
Meanwhile, Relic is trying to cut through the Source Wall, the border of the universe. Relic has traced the depleted reservoir of light to the other side of the wall, and he’s desperate to get through and replenish the light. Oddly, Relic is receiving help via Kyle Rayner and the New Guardians. Kyle knows the key to replenishing the light source is on the other side of that wall. Relic figures he can tap the White Light and use Kyle to break through. Cue the arrival of the Green, Red, Violet and Indigo cavalries. Green Lantern doesn’t skimp on intergalactic battle, it just doesn’t focus on it.
Venditti seems dedicated to taking the entire Green Lantern Universe down a new path. The defeat of Relic, the release of the light entities, it’s all setting up new ideas for a series that’s been running on fumes for several years. I will call shenanigans on how the GL team gets a new central power battery. It’s been mentioned before, but it still feels a little too easy.
I like that Mogo is the new Oa. I also like that everyone believes Kyle Rayner dead, and that the New Guardians decide his return must be kept secret. Last but not least, Guy Gardner returns to the Red Lanterns and John Stewart vows to bring him home. Moving forward, each title in the series suddenly pops with new life. Each title is set to burn bright, so lets hope they do.
Sean Chen’s art is epic. He understands that this battle is something effecting the entire universe, and draws it accordingly. Splash pages, huge panels, a tremendous gatefold of the Green Lantern cavalry-rushing Relic. On size, details and panel placement, Chen’s work is extraordinary, on character faces it tends to be hit or miss. Relic’s face is solid, but John Stewart and Guy seem a little cartoony. These are only small dings in the overall excellence of what Chen does with Annual #2.
The new Green Lantern team is exactly what this universe needed. Exciting, refreshing, and amazingly fun to read. I’m so excited for the future of the GLU!

(5 Story, 4 Art)