Twitch Integration Delayed for Xbox One

Earlier in the year Twitch announced that it will be bringing its streaming power to the Xbox One and PS4. Despite Microsoft announcing the partnership first, it will take a little while longer to complete development.

Twitch has announced that its integration for Xbox One has been delayed into early 2014. In a blog post it said:

We know that the ability to broadcast your Xbox One gameplay direct to Twitch is something you’re all very excited about. So are we! Microsoft is working hard to ensure that the Twitch broadcasting experience meets all of your expectations, and we’re looking forward to sharing more details with you all in the future.

Streaming apps have quickly become popular on the PS4. In the past, a powerful PC was required to play a game and share footage at the same time. The next-gen consoles tear down the barrier by allowing for the same features at a fraction of the price.

Unfortunately, Microsoft will be a step behind with presenting the option to its new install base, but it’s understandable. The Xbox One’s OS has an impressive amount of options out of the box, unlike it’s more simple adversary, the PS4. It’s likely that Microsoft had to pick and choose what it could have polished and ready for publishing on November 22nd.

If you’d like to see what Twitch will look like running on Xbox One, check out the new video below:

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