Two Xbox One Updates Planned Add Battery Indicator, Hard Drive Management and Party Improvements

There’s no way around it, the Xbox One could use some TLC. Some additional time in the oven prior to consumption would have been nice, but it’s already here. But hey, that’s what post-launch updates are for.

On February 11th the first of two imminent Xbox One updates will release. It includes:

  • The ability to see and manage your storage space. With this update, you will find it easy to find how much space your content takes up and better manage your content. You can also control your install lineup and more easily manage your download queue. We’ve separated My Games and My Apps into separate lists, so you can easily create separate queues for both. Now you can pick the order in which you want your content to load and we’ve added a boot progress indicator so you can better track updates while they load.
  • The battery power indicator is back! You can see it right on the home screen, so you can easily track how much battery life is left on your controller.
  • And, you will be able to use your USB keyboard with your Xbox One.

The first two changes in particular are in direct response to consumer feedback. It’s mind-boggling how something as simple as hard drive storage management and a battery life indicator slipped through the cracks for launch. Nonetheless, those two major concerns will be remedied in less than a week.

You might be thinking, “what about the broken party system?”. Well, that’s where the second update comes into play.

A week prior to the March 11th release of Titanfall, which is sure to cause a surge of new Xbox One owners, a second update will be deployed. Microsoft says it will “contain many new features and improvements, most significantly to our party and multiplayer systems.” Good, because the party system in its current shape would prove disastrous.

Microsoft says there are more updates planned in the near future. For now, these two updates should serve Xbox One owners well.

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