Star Citizen Creator: “The Best-Looking Next-Gen Game is Ryse”

Speaking to GamingBolt, Star Citizen creator Chris Roberts had a different view on what game has set the bar for what the next-gen can do. He said:

It’s incredibly powerful and visually as good as any engine out there. If you look at the next gen games, in my opinion, the best looking next-gen game is Ryse.

He even compared it directly to Killzone: Shadow Fall, saying:

…its better looking than Killzone. I’m a big Killzone fan but just technically if I look at Ryse and I look at Killzone, Ryse is superior.

Ryse: Son of Rome has been disregarded by many for its underwhelming critical reception, but it managed to be something that Microsoft desperately needed: a showcase for the Xbox One’s hardware.

Crytek has been a leader in video game technology for a decade. It previously set new standards for PC games, but it just so happens that this time it did the same for the Xbox One.

The Xbox One’s ESRAM has made game optimization a headache for some developers. Meanwhile, its GPU isn’t as potent as that of the PS4’s. That’s translated to a lack of parity on multiplatform games.

Given how good Ryse: Son of Rome looks, and the fact that it was a launch game, other first-party developers should be inspired to further tap into the Xbox One’s hardware. If any game in the next year will manage to hit the same note, it’ll probably be Remedy Entertainment’s Quantum Break.

Chris Roberts is currently working on Star Citizen, which is currently the most widely anticipated PC exclusive.

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