WTF?! Underwater Record Player Actually Plays Music

Music gimmicks are a dime a dozen these days, whether it be the insanely hyped next “iTunes killer” or so-and-so’s new brand of outrageously overpriced headphones. But every so often something truly unique and weird comes along that grabs our attention, and today that something is a submerged record player.

Yep, a record player that plays underwater. Y’know, if you’re trying to convince your hipster buddies to go spelunking, there are probably less complicated methods. But Hackaday reports that artist Evan Holm has created an installation featuring a record player submerged in a black pool of water, with the controls and needle integrated within a tree. And somehow, the music doesn’t sound like a series of glub-glub-glub jams.

Holm offers a lengthy explanation of the creation, as well as his own high-minded concept of its representation (loss, mystery and the collective human subconscious… what?). But honesty, we’re just fascinated by the mechanics of the damn thing. And lucky for us, there’s also a documentary explaining the installation. Check it out below. 



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