SQUIB: a : a short humorous or satiric writing or speech; b : a short news item. (Merriam-Webster)
This Travel Squib takes you to Jackdaws Castle – where we didn’t see a single jackdaw and where there is absolutely no castle.
Jackdaws Castle is an equine paradise — an all-purpose facility for the safekeeping, care and training of horses, whether for competition or for recreation. During a recent press trip to visit Ellenborough Park and Cheltenham Racecourse, the collected travel writers took a side trip to the gorgeous, expansive stable at Jackdaws.
Specializing in race training, Jackdaws Castle was established by UK racing legend Jonjo O’Neill. Its facilities include indoor and outdoor paddocks, race tracks, jumping courses and an equine pool using water to aid in physical therapy for injured horses. The grounds are immaculate, and Jackdaws’ considerable staff shows nothing but total devotion to their animals.
It’s not set up for tours, but if you ask can find the place, if you ask nicely, and if you bring some extra apples and sugar cubes, you might just a peak.
Meanwhile, you can enjoy the sights of Jackdaws Castle below.