7 Funny First Kiss Parodies

Just a few days ago, a video premiered on YouTube where 20 strangers kissed each other for the first time, which now has over 47 million views and counting. The video’s done a lot of kissing, so hopefully it prepared itself for catching the funny mouth sores that are internet parody videos. Here are 7 hilarious First Kiss parodies:


First Kiss Parodies: “First Handjob”

The first handjob is the most magical.


First Kiss Parodies: “First Time”

I like that they put echo on the farts, to reflect the largeness of the room. It’s the little things/farts.


First Kiss Parodies: “First Lick”

Are those two males licking each other? Whoa, this video is progressive.


First Kiss Parodies: “First Raspberry”

1:35 – He came?


First Kiss Parodies: “Jack’s First Kiss”

He treats objects like women.


First Kiss Parodies: “First Fist Bump”

I thought Obama and Michelle made this okay for everyone.


First Kiss Parodies: “First F*** You”

Well done, gentlemen.


Geoffrey Golden is a bestselling author and Editor-in-Chief of The Devastator comedy magazine.

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