Review: Xbox One Official Stereo Headset

If you’re looking to get the most out of your gaming experience, audio is your ticket. Those little speakers on your TV can only do so much. If you really want to draw yourself into a game, you’re going to want to throw a set of headphones on and never look back. Now that you’re looking for a headset to buy, you might want to consider the new Xbox One Stereo Headset by Microsoft.

The first thing you’ll notice upon taking the headset out of its packaging is it’s a clean-looking device. This headset is simple in shape and industrial in design. A mixture of matte and glossy plastic has been employed which follows the styling convention of the Xbox One line of products. Unlike the toyish look of the Xbox 360 and its peripherals, this device is sophisticated. There are only three pieces so it’s not easily susceptible to wear, and its satellite-dish shaped earphones make it edgy enough that it stands out among the hundreds of headsets on the market.

I’ve been surprised by the audio quality of the headset since I began using it. The headphones are closed, but not entirely so some sound leaks through. This provides a great audio experience while not completely disconnecting you from the outside world—you’ll be able to hear a fire alarm, thankfully. Mid-ranges are clear and you’ll be able to easily discern between game sound and player chatter. Games like Titanfall and Forza Motorsport 5 are great places to test out the hardware, and it performs admirably for its class.

As great as the audio is, it’s not surround sound. This is a stereo headset with two channels, and that means you’ll have a more difficult time observing what direction noise is coming from. In many applications that’s not a big deal, but in first-person shooters that could make or break this headset for you. However, that doesn’t mean to run out and buy the first $50 5.1 headset you can find. Quality is much more important than quantity, and if you want a great surround sound headset you’re looking in the $120+ range. The Xbox One Stereo Headset is $79.99 and includes the Xbox One Headset Adapter, which is required to use headsets on your Xbox One, so it wins the bang for your buck battle.

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