Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is Out! Here’s its Launch Trailer

It’s been a long time since we’ve seen Metal Gear. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is here to make sure the wait isn’t even longer.

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zerores launched today and it connects the timeline of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker and the upcoming Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. As a fan of Metal Gear, that’s reason enough to jump back in control of Big Boss, the greatest soldier who ever lived.

Hideo Kojima’s new vision for Metal Gear includes open-world gameplay, a day and night cycle, and returns the base-building of Peace Walker. It also replaces the former voice actor David Hayter with 24 star Kiefer Sutherland. Ground Zeroes might be only a slice of the pie, but it’s your first chance to experience the Metal Gear in a next-gen light.

The launch trailer is below, so check it out:

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is available now on PS4, Xbox One, PS3, and Xbox 360 and is priced at $29.99

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