Watch Dogs Has Already Sold 4 Million Copies, Just 2 Million Shy of Assassin’s Creed’s Lifetime Sales

Before I begin, I ought to clarify this article’s headline. That’s the original Assassin’s Creed we’re talking about. Just that single game. It’s a perfect game to pit against Watch Dogs, though, as both were new IP in an unexplored console generation. Watch Dogs has already shattered Ubisoft’s launch days sales records, and now all that remains is to edge out the original AC in lifetime numbers. With 4 million sales already under its belt, it seems a safe bet that it will.

Watch Dogs isn’t just dominating when pitted against Ubisoft’s own games, either; the open-world title is now the “best-selling new IP at launch across the videogame industry.” It is also Ubisoft’s best selling first-week game of all time. Think about some of Ubisoft’s heavy-hitting franchises, then think about that statement again. It’s pretty remarkable.

Ubisoft Marketing Executive Tony Key commented on the game’s success, noting Watch Dogs‘ superb positioning as a result of its stellar sales.

With such strong sales momentum and positive feedback from gamers, Watch Dogs has positioned itself as the must-have game of the moment. We’re really proud of this achievement, and are confident that the Watch Dogs brand has a promising future.

As mentioned, the original Assassin’s Creed managed to shift 6 million units before calling it quits, so Watch Dogs needs to retain at least that much momentum if it intends to launch a similarly indomitable (and beloved) gaming franchise. The Wii U version is on track for a Fall release, which could certainly give totals a boost, and holiday-powered increases across all platforms may very well send Watch Dogs sailing past its 6 million target with time to spare.

If that does happen then a sequel can’t be far behind, and despite the 5.5 years it took Ubisoft to conjure up Watch Dogs‘ initial entry, creative director Jonathan Morin has said in the past that a second game would “certainly not be the same amount of time” to complete. Regardless, with Far Cry 4 and Assassin’s Creed: Unity to worry about, I’m sure the French studio won’t mind giving Watch Dogs a break, even if just for a short while.

[Via: GameSpot]

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