VIDEO: Watch Dark Souls II Get Whupped — in Just 20 Minutes

The point of buying a new game isn't usually to see how fast you can beat it.  I mean, part of the joy is exploring a new world and experimenting with all the cool stuff to see and do, so maniacally rampaging through a game as fast as humanly possible doesn't hold much appeal for most.

But once you've already bested a game and you've got some time to kill?  Well, game on, my friend…

And after information about weird exploits and glitches become commonplace in the gamer community, that can mean some ridiculously fast speedruns through popular games — like Dark Souls II, for instance.

As posted to Crave gaming site Destructoid, check out how Distortion2 blitzed through the entire epic adventure in just a touch over 20 minutes.

Again, we aren't saying this is a preferred video game experience.  But even with the tricks and shortcuts on display here, it's still pretty impressive to watch an experienced gamer shred Drangleic like they're on crack.

Check it out.

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