PAX Prime Interview: H1Z1’s Senior Game Designer Talks About Immersion, Exploration and Gameplay

Survival horror MMOs probably have the most untapped potential of any genre in the video game industry. We’ve seen games like Day Z and Infestation: Survivor Stories prove that post-apocalyptic online worlds can be intense and deeply immersive. Sony Online Entertainment is working on its interpretation on what a seamless online world filled with zombies and unpredictable players should be like, and that game is called H1Z1.

Related: H1Z1 Hands-On Preview

We caught up with Senior Game Designer Jimmy Whisenhunt at PAX Prime to talk about H1Z1 and what it’s all about. What we learned is that it isn’t easy to figure out what works and what doesn’t, but the development team’s active involvement in the community and careful game testing is leading them in a good direction.

Check out  the video above.  You can also read what we thought during our time playing the game in our PAX Prime H1Z1 preview.

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