We conclude our special fashion coverage this week from guest editor Rebeca Riofrio with a look at men’s fashion. Art and fashion lover Riofrio connected with successful men’s fashion CEO Sola Cash of Jo Black Craze for a look at their 2015 line.
Please explain the name of your company.
“It requires competence wisdom and experience, all those things they say about you in testimonials. And you’re the one.” This was one of the statements that caught my attention whilst watching the movie “Meet Joe Black” With that realization, I took the next step in establishing my brand. In honor of inspiration, I named the Brand after the movie. In my opinion, Joe Black was perceived as the everything I would expect of a man, needless to say, of a gentleman.
What are the principles behind your designs?
I am the reflection of my designs, from conversation to appearance. However, put subtly, I would say “Architectural Elegance.”
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What are the inspirations for your work?
I have found that I am the biggest inspiration to my work. My work is inspired by duty, and as my duty I get it done. I have had different levels of interaction with individuals across all levels of life and as much as I have gained and learned a lot from them, it all comes down to my utilization of that knowledge. There is nothing more inspirational than the ability to achieve that, which you set out to achieve.
What’s been the highlight of your work so far?
London Fashion Week, September edition was just concluded and for this season’s showcase, We had a LIVE STREET CATWALK. Three different venues, three different catwalks. For me, this has been the highlight of our year as we had the opportunity not only to be a part of a successful series but collaborating with an amazing and personally liked designer and the most amazing set of people. On the biggest platform in the capital, the atmosphere could not have been any better.