Listen: Kanye Goes Christmas Rap on Yeezus Spoof ‘Kreezus’

Sometimes the most ridiculous things are the most badass. While the real Kanye West is busy rapping his new album to Seth Rogen in a van somewhere, someone who does a passively strong impression on the king of all narcissists took all of the rapper’s latest album Yeezus and made Christmas songs out of each track, and it kicks some serious ass.

The group, called Local Business Comedy, skipped no detail in its beat-for-beat recreation of Yeezus, with yuletide-themed lyrics in place of Kanye’s egomaniacal bloviation. For instance, “I Am a God” has been changed to the more seasonal “I Am a Claus,” whereas “New Slaves” has been transformed into “New Sleighs” (“I’d rather be a blade than a shoveler”), and the sex anthem “I’m In It” now refers to chimneys instead of vaginas. “Damn your brick’s very rough… covered up in soot n’ stuff.. and I think I see a dead bird”. It doesn’t stop there, as he’s then “eatin’ Christmas cookies, all I need is milk as dippin’ sauce.”

Listen to the collection below. The awesome flows with ridiculous depth.

Thanks to CoS for the heads up

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